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The Imaginary Corpse Paperback – September 10, 2019
Most ideas fade away when we’re done with them. Some we love enough to become Real. But what about the ones we love, and walk away from?
Tippy the triceratops was once a little girl’s imaginary friend, a dinosaur detective who could help her make sense of the world. But when her father died, Tippy fell into the Stillreal, the underbelly of the Imagination, where discarded ideas go when they’re too Real to disappear. Now, he passes time doing detective work for other unwanted ideas – until Tippy runs into The Man in the Coat, a nightmare monster who can do the impossible: kill an idea permanently. Now Tippy must overcome his own trauma and solve the case, before there’s nothing left but imaginary corpses.
File Unders: Fantasy [ Fuzzy Fiends | Death to Imagination | Hardboiled but Sweet | Not Barney ]
- Print length312 pages
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherAngry Robot
- Publication dateSeptember 10, 2019
- Dimensions5.16 x 0.87 x 7.68 inches
- ISBN-100857668315
- ISBN-13978-0857668318
The chilling story of the abduction of two teenagers, their escape, and the dark secrets that, years later, bring them back to the scene of the crime. | Learn more
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Editorial Reviews
– Publishers Weekly
"The Imaginary Corpse is one of the best detective noir stories I've read in a long time. It just happens to be about a plush triceratops whose best friends are a disembodied hand and a four-color superheroine… it's elegant, beautifully constructed, innovative, and true. It's Real. Tippy is going to be Real for a lot of people, and that's a magical thing for a yellow plush triceratops."
– Seanan McGuire, New York Times bestselling author of October Daye and InCryptid
"A wholly original take on the lands of make-believe from a captivating new voice in the genre. Hayes takes the reader on a journey to the heart of themselves, reminding them of all that was lost and all that can never be forgotten. A book as comforting and as cathartic as your first knocked-out tooth."
– Meg Elison, Philip K. Dick Award-winning author of The Book of the Unnamed Midwife
"This reminds me of Jonathan Lethem's Gun, with Occasional Music, plus the Brian Aldiss-inspired first act of AI, with splashes of Philip K. Dick and Haruki Murakami."
– Library Journal
“Brilliantly playful and deadly serious at the same time, often in the same sentence. Hayes knows the secret of world creation, building a new reality detail by detail, all of it ringing true even when outrageously absurd. A nightmare in day-glo colours, populated by outcasts and outlaws, private eyes and forgotten toys.”
– Jeff Noon, author of The Body Library, shortlisted for the Philip K Dick Award
"Hayes nails that tone in the midst of what may be 2019’s weirdest premise… the most unusual SFF-mystery mashup you’ll read this year."
– B&N Sci Fi & Fantasy Blog
"Combining detective noir, Toy Story, and an in-depth look at trauma, Hayes has crafted the most unlikely formula and makes it sing. The Imaginary Corpse is inventive, fun, and touching, in the most unexpected way. The world – real and imaginary – needs more triceratops detectives."
– Mike Chen, author of Here and Now and Then
"This is detective noir shot through with technicolor playfulness the likes of which I haven't seen since Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It's pure imagination on multiple axes – with a ton of heart."
– Alex Wells, author of Hunger Makes the Wolf
“This book is messed up in all the right ways. It’s as if Pixar’s Inside Out mugged Toy Story in a surrealist Raymond Chandler novel. Weird, fun, scary, and a great mystery to boot. Hayes sticks the landing.”
—Jennifer Brozek, Author of Never Let Me Sleep and The Last Days of Salton Academy.
"An immensely creative, bittersweet sugar rush of a fantasy-noir novel: Who Framed Roger Rabbit meets Paranoia Agent with a touch of creepy-cute Coraline atmosphere... I heartily recommend The Imaginary Corpse to any reader seeking a delightfully different book."
– Wendy Trimboli, author of The Resurrectionist of Caligo
"For adults who want to recapture some of their youthful imaginings, while reading an excellent book about trauma, forgiveness, and acceptance, The Imaginary Corpse will definitely fill that niche."
– Mad Scientist Journal
About the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
The Imaginary Corpse
By Tyler HayesWatkins Media Ltd
Copyright © 2019 Tyler HayesAll rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-85766-831-8
That case? That one starts with the screaming corn.
Every time I talk about this case, I wish it started differently: some mysterious person walking into my office, or my best friend in the whole world asking for help fleeing to Mexico, or even me trying to help my person learn her ABCs. You know, a real detective story, something that speaks to my soul. Not one where I get hired out of Mr Float's Rootbeerium by the living incarnation of someone's half-baked TV pitch. Of course, if I always got what I wanted, I wouldn't be where I am, so - bigger picture - I guess this is for the best.
The corn in question is growing on the premises of Nightshire Farms, the 'evil' farm down the road from the 'good' Sundrop Farms. The farms are two halves of a children's television series; their person crawled into a bottle and dropped the whole place off in this lovely communal garbage heap of ours before the show got a chance to air. I'm here because Nightshire's proprietor, arch-villain Farmer Nick Nefarious, is worried about the behavior of the crop of singing corn he's stolen from Sundrop's proprietor, his protagonist/sometimes friend Farmer Fran. More specifically, he's worried about the way the 'singing' corn won't stop screaming. He's offered to clear my Rootbeerium tab as payment, but more importantly he's given me a mystery to keep my brain occupied instead of letting it sink into the mud of my memories. (The clear tab is nice though, not going to lie.) So here I am, about to step right into a whole swimming pool of trouble.
Nightshire Farms really tries to drive the whole 'evil' point home, as much as something with the aesthetic of a kid's cartoon can. The buildings are various shades of black and purple, and so lopsided they look like their architects hated the concept of symmetry. Both the farmhouse and the barn have their windows and doors positioned perfectly to look like snarling faces. There's no detail to the horizon, just flat in every direction, and a haze of red dust that makes the sun look like it's dying. The soil is volcanic ash, thick and gray, and all the plants have faces: poison-red berries with wrathful little scowls, street gangs of fat green gourds sneering and looking for a challenge. And between the barn and the house, standing in military-precise rows, is the corn.
Farmer Nick sold the situation short. When he said 'screaming,' I pictured hungry babies wailing, or maybe someone getting surprised in the dark. This is straight-from-the-heart, pants-wetting terror, like the world's biggest predator is one toothy lunge away from devouring the corn and everything it loves. I understand why Farmer Nick was waiting at the Rootbeerium - I don't want to be anywhere near this noise either - but I wish he'd told me that cotton balls in my ears weren't quite going to cut it. I'm tempted to scream just to let out the pressure.
I start my clue-mining on the edges of the cornrows, taking measurements, getting a summary established in my head. The corn's yellow, but more old butter than noonday sun, and the stalks are varying shades of green, none of them healthy. There are sixty-six rows, with six stalks on each row. (If that metaphor seems heavy-handed, congratulations, you now know why this Idea never got past a storyboard.) I do a full circuit for missing or broken stalks, but nothing doing. It's a perfect little phalanx of corn cobs, all of them screaming their darn heads off.
Next, I check the dirt. The ground gets colder the closer to the corn I get. The color shifts, too, turning deep purple instead of choking gray. That could just be a quirk of Nightshire's soil, but my detective stuff says it's a clue.
(The detective stuff is magic. Just trust me; the longer explanation for it doesn't help much.)
I pick up a handful of the gray dirt, let it sift through the cotton stubs I call toes. Other than the temperature, it feels like dirt, moves like dirt, smells like dirt. I pick up some of the purple stuff, and right away it's different - it's thinner and lighter, pouring between my toes in viscous wisps, like I've grabbed onto night-time mist. I have a theory fermenting.
I look at the corn again, and I let my detective stuff speak to me. It says to check their faces, so I take a gander at one up close and personal. It's not pleasant - this close, the screaming's a drill pushed right up against my skull - but that doesn't stop two thoughts from colliding so hard they burst.
I look again at Nick's other crops, and I look back to the corn, and I see exactly what I expect to see. I'm so excited my toes start to vibrate.
"It's the details," I say, to the partner I like to pretend I still have.
The faces aren't like the faces on Farmer Nick's other crops. The others are cartoonish, abstract and simple, just like every other kid-show Idea I've ever come across. The corn, though, has definition. There are veins in the eyeballs, contours and deformities in the teeth, and an all-around stink of compost coming off them.
"This didn't come from Sundrop Farms," I mutter.
See, the one advantage to your creator dropping you in the Stillreal: you can travel to Ideas other than the one you were dropped in. The catch is that when Friends travel to an Idea they aren't originally from, they bring a little of their home with them. If you're just passing through like I am, it's pretty minor and pretty brief; the colors around here might be brighter after I leave, or a few ears of corn might look like they're made of fabric, at least until Nightshire Farms reverts back to its version of 'normal.' But if something from another Idea sticks around too long, things start to go really sideways - like, say, horrifying faces on your ill-gotten crops.
I follow the purple dirt, watching the way it blends into the gray. It was easy to miss at first, but on second glance there's a clear streak of purple extending into the shadow of the barn. It's more a general smearing of color than a simple trail, but still, my theory is putting on muscle.
Conclusion: The corn was absolutely stolen from Farmer Fran, but something else made it change - and that something appears to have hidden in the barn, recently enough that the crops haven't had a chance to reassert themselves.
The doors to the barn are wide open, although given the kind of place Nightshire is, they're probably always wide open, waiting, beckoning, hungry, et cetera. The diseased sunlight does less than nothing to light up the barn's insides.
The safest place in this Idea right now is anywhere but inside that barn, but inside that barn is where the puzzle is. I swallow a little knot of fear, and walk inside.
The sunlight cuts out the second I step through the open doors. The inside of the barn is in perpetual twilight, just enough light to see the odd spooky detail you're sure is just your mind playing tricks on you. The floor is made of pungent, past-prime straw. To my left is a wall of hay bales. To my right is a long row of stables, stretching into the endless shadows. Right in front of me is a wall full of farm implements designed to scare the poop out of people. I tear my attention away from the most barb-laden one, and remind myself to breathe.
Clues will help. Clues will always help. The stables are the place to start. I walk along the row, my head as low to the ground as I can get, checking under every stall door for evidence of inhabitants. Nothing; my detective stuff isn't even kicking up. There's no sign of anything alive in here except me and a couple of oily-shelled beetles. And that shuffling noise ...
It's coming from behind me, from one of the stalls I already checked. It's just on the edge of normal hearing, like socks on a shag carpet as heard through a thick oak door. As an experiment I turn around, and sure enough, the shuffling has moved with me, sounding out from behind again, except this time it's closer. I turn around once more, and the sound whickers out. My sense of calm clocks out early.
This creature has to be a nightmare. Only nightmares move that fast, that particularly, calibrated to maximize your fear. Nightmares also tend to be the most dangerous Friends; the threat of harm is vital to their sense of purpose, and it's not like they can help backing it up if they're pressed. On the bright side, screaming corn doesn't seem as worrying anymore?
The shuffle comes again, close enough to set my nerves on fire, waiting for a hand or tentacle or claw to come down on my waiting shoulder. The worst thing I could do right now would be to run. The second-worst thing would be to call out to whatever is making the noise.
If I do the unexpected, I usually catch the bad guys off-guard.
More shuffling. Ordinary senses wouldn't be able to place it, but detective stuff says it's two stalls from the end, behind another nondescript wooden door. I creep toward it, stop one stall shy, and take a long, theatrical look around, like I can't figure out where the sound is coming from. Then I duck as a blur of shadows and drill bits comes whooshing by, gleaming talons raking the air just shy of where my head used to be.
I blink, and the blur is gone. A silk-onsilk hiss echoes through the barn, coming from every stall at once. I hear sharp bits grating against each other, and huge, heavy things skulking around in the darkness above me. It must have gone up into the rafters, which is basically the last place I want it to be. If I'd known this thing could fly, I might have charged Nick extra.
Some nightmares will stop and talk to you as soon as they know you won't get scared. Some nightmares double down when you get courageous, start getting truly violent. And some are animals, knowing nothing except the chase and the pounce and the fear. And this one chose the spookiest barn in the Stillreal to camp out in, so practicality demands I assume it's type three.
I pivot in place, trying to bait the nightmare back out, trusting my detective stuff to keep me on the ball. There's another rustle off to my left, and a growl of admonishment that I'm sure soaked many a bedsheet in its day. I need to get it down near the floor again, where the tighter quarters created by the stalls will limit its movement.
"Are you a bed monster?" I ask the darkness. "Or maybe a window-scratcher?" I slather the mocking tone on thick, which as a bonus helps cover up my shivers. "What kind of half-scary nonsense were you before you came here?"
The barn stays quiet, that aggravating silence you can tell is going to be filled with noise any second. This Friend has definitely been here for a while if it's got the acoustics down like that. There's more movement, but nothing dramatic enough to suggest it's coming down my way. It won't come down without an opening. This thing is good at its job. I shrug, and start trotting off toward the barn doors, looking as casual as I can manage when my head feels like an alarm clock.
"If you're just going to hide in the dark, I guess I'll go tell Farmer Nick there's nothing to be scared of."
That gets a response. Unfortunately, that response is a whirring, buzzing, impossibly fast blackness diving down at me. Well, I can't say this case is boring.
The nightmare tries two dive-bys first, shooting past one way then the other, glowing dinner-plate eyes flashing as it crosses my path. A stall door creaks open behind me, and the shadows on the wall grow long and hungry. This nightmare knows its stuff. By which I mean 'Help me.'
Focus. I need to ground this thing, and I need to do it fast. The blur sails past me again, close enough to blow icy wind across the fabric of my back, and my hindlegs tighten up, ready to use my last resort. I'm a detective first, but I'm also a triceratops ...
There's a skittering noise behind me. I pretend to take the bait, craning my neck in a desperate attempt to see around my crown. A single nail pings across the floor right behind me, and I have to stifle my chuckle. The distracting surprise. This nightmare's younger than I gave it credit for. A dropped nail, a creaking floorboard - those are tricks you use on kids to get their attention diverted.
Another nail drops somewhere in front of me, a sound that would leave a typical victim spinning in place - so, of course, the nightmare comes at me from the side, a ragged wingspan of buzzing power tools that fills my peripheral vision. I hunker down, let it sail over me, and spring up into the air for a short-range charge. All three of my horns connect with a stumpy, buckle-laden back leg, and the nightmare bowls head over heels and crash-lands in front of me.
"Ow!" it says, like a toddler with a skinned knee.
All my fear, anger, and curiosity pops like a soap bubble. "You alright?" I ask, not bothering to mask my concern.
"No!" it cries, in a tinny, air-duct wail. It curls in on itself, rubbing at its leg where I connected. I'm pretty sure it's actually smaller now. I feel awful.
Now that it's not moving, it's easier to get a bead on what it looks like: black, some hints of purple and red, like the night sky just outside a city. It's about six times my size, four limbs, the hunched stance of a dog or a cat, but its head is roughly human shaped. Given the fluid way it moves, I think it's always shaped like whatever it thinks will terrify its target the most. And then there's the machinery, the eyes like welder's goggles, the whirring drills in place of claws, the saw blades spinning along the ridge of its back, all anchored in place by a spaghetti dinner of leather straps and big chrome buckles.
This is a nightmare, which by the logic that made me means it's a bad guy. I can feel in my stuffing that I'm supposed to mock it, insult it, play it cool. But that's not what it needs, and that's probably not what I need, either. I swallow my first instincts and go with the second wave.
"Anything I can do?"
The nightmare sniffles, still curled away from me, continually rubbing its leg. "No." It doesn't sound sure.
"I'm so sorry," I say. "You scared me, and I reacted. Doesn't mean you aren't hurt, but ..."
It sniffles again. "I was trying to scare you," it says. "I understand. It just ... it really hurt!"
"Yeah. I'm sorry."
It rubs at the affected area for another second. "I'm okay. I'll be okay." It doesn't sound okay, at all.
The good news is, I have a job to do here, and it might actually make things better. First things first. "What's your name?"
The nightmare tenses up in confusion. "What?"
"Your name. If you're willing to give it to me?"
When it blinks, there's a sound like a garage door opening and closing. "I'm ... Spindleman."
"Hi, Spindleman." I extend a cloth paw. "I'm Tippy."
Spindleman looks at my paw, trying to decide what to do, then brightens before enveloping it with a hand that's mostly screwdrivers. Shaking it makes me glad I'm kind of hard to hurt.
"Can I ask you for your pronouns?"
It's very young, then. "When I don't call you by name, do you prefer he, she, ze, it ..."
"It," Spindleman says. "Matthew always called me it."
"All right then, it." I smile, and log the name Matthew for later. "I'm really sorry."
Despite itself, Spindleman brightens. I take the opportunity.
"Can I ask you a few questions? No is fine, if you're too upset."
Spindleman sniffles again. "Okay."
"Thank you." I sit down on my haunches, removing what threat I can, and get ready to memorize. "So ... judging by appearances, you're a long way from home, aren't you?"
"... yes?"
I nod, trying to act as casual as possible. "Okay. Can you tell me where you came from?"
"The bushes around the house," it says. It sucks in air like a drowning man. "The, the night-time house with the big orange moon. The one that Matthew sleeps in."
Okay, this I can work with. My stuffing is starting to unclench. "What can you tell me about Matthew?"
"Small," Spindleman says, almost awestruck. "Small, and defenseless, and ... vulnerable." There's a glaze of saliva over its words, but it's hard to hold that against it; we're all what our people made us. "Every night, he has to sleep in his huge room all by himself, and the light in there is bright, so much brighter than the sky I live in during the day ..."
"So Matthew is your person?" I ask.
"My person?"
So it's a very young nightmare, then. "The one who created you," I explain. "The one who made you Real."
Spindleman sniffs, nods. "He was my ... person. But he's not anymore." Its head sags on its long industrial accident of a neck. "He didn't need me anymore."
This sounds familiar. I never stop hating it, though. "Are you here because you got separated from Matthew?"
"He stopped caring about me." Spindleman's goggle eyes widen, and in their glass I see a towering silhouette offering a big, thick hand to me. "He said I wasn't scary anymore, and then he kicked me out, and I had to leave the house and come out here and I ... I ..."
(Continues...)Excerpted from The Imaginary Corpse by Tyler Hayes. Copyright © 2019 Tyler Hayes. Excerpted by permission of Watkins Media Ltd.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.
Product details
- Publisher : Angry Robot (September 10, 2019)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 312 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0857668315
- ISBN-13 : 978-0857668318
- Item Weight : 10.4 ounces
- Dimensions : 5.16 x 0.87 x 7.68 inches
- Best Sellers Rank: #960,016 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #7,480 in Science Fiction Crime & Mystery
- #9,947 in Action & Adventure Fantasy (Books)
- #15,774 in Paranormal Fantasy Books
- Customer Reviews:
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Where do imaginary friends go when we no longer need them?
Top reviews from the United States
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- Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2019Read a brief teaser review of this before it was formally published, and bought it more out of a sense of curiosity than anything else.
I am very, very glad I did!
It's a wonderful book, smart and clever and funny and fascinating and engaging and most importantly, full of heart. You very quickly come to care about Tippy and Friends, and to root (beer) for them, and to want to know where the journey will take them next! Brilliant!
If you love detective fiction and mysteries, all the better, but not a requirement! And rest assured, this is NOT A CHILDREN'S BOOK! Ya audiences will enjoy it, but it is very definitely aimed at adults!
Would love a sequel, but look forward to whatever this author puts out next!
Congratulations, Mr. Hayes!!
- Reviewed in the United States on August 30, 2019This really is a hard book to review especially since I don't want to give any real spoilers. I can only describe this as A gritty pulp detective noir set in a world of imaginary friends. However since it is an imaginary friends world, everything is sanitized and kept clean, after all, it's kids that have imaginary friends. So our hard drinking bitter detective sticks to his favorite soda.... This makes it a bit of a difficult book for people to relate to. Too grown up for young kids and just a bit too silly for grown adults. Our main hero is supposed to be a detective with great powers of deduction and yet, it always feels like he's a step behind all the time. There's also times when the reader is told that the detective finally has figured out a piece of the puzzle or realizes something.... but the reader isn't told what and then the point is promptly forgotten about because nothing happens in relation what just happened. However about halfway through the book the reader is suddenly shown that things that are happing have a darker and more sinister reason.... but the author doesn't really go along with this thread which is a pity. I think if he had, the book could have blown people away. I have to say, at the end of the day, I'd find it hard to recommend this book to people because I just can't think of anyone who this would appeal to genre wise. The author does whisk things along at a pretty good pace though and I have to say, he's extremely well written and easy to read. The story doesn't get bogged down at all, it's just that it manages to take off, but not soar. At the end of the day, I thought I wanted to give this book 3 stars for being just "ok" but then I realized something. Due to the way the characters were written, the way they interacted, that as silly as the whole thing is, I would actually read a sequel. I do want to revisit this world and see what happens next. For that, it get's an extra star as that's what a good author should do, leave you wanting more. Pretty sure that even if a sequel to this story never happens, that Tyler Hayes has a great future ahead of him as a writer and I'll be reading his next novel.
- Reviewed in the United States on March 2, 2021I keep trying to explain this book to people but nothing I say can capture the warmth, depth, humanity, and aching sadness in this book. It's a brilliant exploration of imagination and humanity, and it's a damn fine romp through an amazing series of worlds to boot.
Take a chance on this weird little book. Give it a few chapters as it finds its footing. And then I dare you to try and put it down!
- Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2019If Pixar made a movie that was just for adults, but taught us anew all the things we were supposed to learn as children but all still need reminding of from time to time, it would be The Imaginary Corpse. This book is full of heart and delightful imagination. It's a mystery story about a dinosaur detective trying to solve an unthinkable murder, but really it's about how to keep going and take care of each other (and ourselves) when the challenges we face seem too difficult.
- Reviewed in the United States on October 14, 2019The author of this book took two vastly different sets of stories and mixed them together. I'd say he largely succeeded!
As many say, this book mashes 1950's era murder mysteries with child friendly themes like Barney the Dinosaur, along with some elements that are rarely discussed, such as superheroes that some teens and young adults may imagine up, wishing they could be.
As such, a lot of details clash in this book. Some sections spun me around with so much detail that I got disoriented and had to re-read that section to try and wrap my head around it all. Other sections are very "gray", in that they gloss over details, almost seeming to assume the reader already knows and understands the details and their pertinence to the story. It's this nuance that keeps me from giving this book five stars.
But I really can't complain. Seriously, step back and think about what it would take to mix such polar opposite themes together: One dark, brooding, with the constant presence of violence or potential of violence, the other bright, happy, with no pains, fears, or worries, and everyone gets along.
So for that effort alone, I give this book a high score. The trick here is trying to decide what audience this is for. I would have to say those with eccentric tastes. You really can't ignore one theme or the other.
So while this book does have elements that are very child friendly, the various tensions (I'm being oblique here) of the teen-imagined elements and of course the dark, brooding, and scary elements make this book unsuitable for children.
But if you're the type that wants a book that focuses on one of the elements I listed, this book may discourage you, since again, it's constantly showing a mishmash of several elements. For example, if you read for the dark nitty gritty of the "whodunnit" aspects of murder mystery, having to read the main character's disposition as a former imaginary friend of a child, and the happy, friendly town he lives in may put you off.
So, nitpicks about the themes occasional failure to mix in details, this book was a great adventure to go on!
Top reviews from other countries
- Amazon CustomerReviewed in the United Kingdom on May 9, 2022
5.0 out of 5 stars Funny and feel good
I bought this book as a gift for my sister who was feeling down. She loved it and it really helped cheer her up. Fantastic quirky book.
- Emily CharlotteReviewed in the United Kingdom on July 8, 2021
4.0 out of 5 stars A triceratops?!
The Imaginary Corpse - 4/5
By Tyler Hayes
A detective story where the detective is a yellow plush triceratops with a love for root beer?! This was definitely the story for me!
This book was brilliant and had me reeled in from the first sentence.
This story had an absolutely brilliant twist to it - I loved how there was a murderer in the ‘Stillreal’ and also a murderer in the ‘real world’. I thought it worked really well and is definitely something I will read again and again!
- Mrs. Cj WallerReviewed in the United Kingdom on November 12, 2019
5.0 out of 5 stars Sweet, odd and incredibly readable.
Quite unlike anything I've ever read before, Hayes manages to write a compelling boom about imaginary friends who made me pine for mine. Tippy is adorable without being saccharine, and the story is stuffed with child-like wonder without being childish. Make no mistake - this isn't a kid's book - but it does capture what it means to have an imaginary friend, and the reasons these particular Friends are in the Stillreal will melt the hardest of hearts.
- Tim AReviewed in the United Kingdom on March 11, 2021
5.0 out of 5 stars A great book
This is a book with a great concept and a great heart. There are echoes of Terry Pratchett Robert Rankin andJasper Fforde but at the end it is its own book.
- Kindle CustomerReviewed in the United Kingdom on March 14, 2021
4.0 out of 5 stars Weirdly wonderful
One of the most unexpected stories I have read in a while. Surprised to find myself emotional at points. Especially, when it's about imaginary friends. Full of compassion, empathy and love, as well as murder, and things that go bump in the night. Must mention the Alliteration, weirdly wonderful.